The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» has summoned a collective of professed lawyers, of tax practitioners, of auditors, of insolvency officials and of the other specialists with the high standard of knowledge and of experience in the sphere of assistance of an economic activity and of the protection of business.
The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» has organized a team of like-minded persons, who can assert the rights and the lawful interests of the Ukrainian business. During our activity against unlawful encroachments of the oversight authorities and of the law enforcement agencies, an unethical competition, corporate raiding, financial fragility and against the other contemporary risks of a Ukrainian market professionally and courageously.
We’ll be able to protect the rights and the property interests of economic entities – even under complicated contemporary realias to the maximum effect thanks to a considerable experience, a constant self-development and a tracking of new trends in the methods of an economic activity’s management.
The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» cooperates with all the judicial agencies, the authorities of SFS, the ministries and the government agencies, the authorities of local self-government, the law enforcement agencies - and it is ready to represent the interests of our clients at any level.
We will ensure a reliable protection, a financial stability and a rapid development, using solely the lawful and the well-tried methods for our clients.
The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» shall ensure areliableand an efficientprotectionagainst any unlawful encroachments of the oversight authorities and of the law enforcement agencies in the current context of an unstable Ukrainian economy, of an unpredictable and heavy state regulation, of a constant deficit of the state budget’s inpayments and of the negligence of rights and property interests of economic entities.
The priority of our activity is the protection of economic entities against an unlawful interference with and the resistance to an economic activity on the part of governmental authorities during the establishment of a government supervision and oversight.
The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» shall ensure as follows:
the taking of complex preventive measures concerning the nonadmission of infringement of the rights and lawful interests of economic entities;
the protection of economic entities during carrying-out of rummage or the seizure, during the other investigatory actions;
the protection against extortion and illegitime suppression upon the economic entities;
the protection of economic entities against resistance to the economic activity’s establishment;
bringing of the public individuals to responsibility;
the redress of an injury, inflicted with illegal actions and/or with decisions of the authority officers;
the protection of economic entities during the conduct of scheduled inspections and unscheduled inspections by the authorities of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and during the conduct of the other activities of the oversight authorities;
taking an appeal from illegal actions and from the decisions of the authority officers by an administrative proceeding or through legal proceedings.
The lawyers of our society use the hardware and software, they ensure the video-registration of violations and they assume all the necessary actions concerning the nonadmission of infringement of rights and of lawful interests of the economic entities and bringing the guilty persons to responsibility during the establishment of protection.
The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» specializes in the comprehensive servicing of legal entities and of individuals-entrepreneurs.
Our professed lawyers, tax practitioners and auditors have a considerable experience in the sphere of assistance of an economic activity and they will ensure the financial protection and the stable development of any economic entity.
In particular, our specialists will ensure the measures as follows:
the development of lawful optimization schemes of taxes and expenses;
a comprehensive audit of agreements, of primary accounting documents and of human resources documentation and their bringing to conformity with Ukraine’s legislation;
the framing of boilerplate contracts, that are tried through practice, which guarantee a reliable protection of property interests;
the monitoring of covenantors’ financial status and the taking of actions concerning the evasion of default on economic obligations;
the rapid and efficient recovery of debtor indebtedness;
the protection of interests of the economic entities in court;
the representation of interests of economic entities in relations with the covenantors and with the authority officers;
the registration and the winding-up of economic entities, the alteration of statutable documents;
the legal support of corporative legal relations and of an international economic activity.
Also, our specialists will fix administrators and workers of economic entities up with the expert consultations in any juridical matters, which will enable evading the unfortunate mistakes and the unforeseen expenses.
The financial stability and the juridical perfection of an economic activity of our clients – is an honor of our society’s praxis.
The law society «THE PROTECTION OF BUSINESS» inculcates the methods of protection from corporate raiding and from an unethical competition, which are tried through practice and efficacious.
The protection from corporate raiding and from an unethical competition - is first and foremost the adoption of extensive preventive measures.
Such preventive protectionmeasures, in particular, are as follows:
the introduction of necessary amendments to the statutable documents of an economic entity;
the introduction of necessary amendments to the economic agreements, which are entered into by the economic entity;
the introduction of necessary amendments to the economic entity’s labor agreements;
the monitoring of alterations in the state register concerning the client;
the monitoring of the carrying-out of economic activities by the persons, with which the conflict of interests may emerge;
the assurance of the commercial secret’s protection.
We will ensure an instantaneous adoption of administrative and/or of judicial and of the other necessary measures, tha are aimed at the abatement of an unlawful conduct, the protection of the client’s assets and the punishment of guilty persons in case of a forthcoming threat of an illegitime takeover or of manifestations of an unethical competition.
Such protection measures may be as follows:
the infliction of seizure;
the proscription to the commission of actions;
the recognisance to commit actions;
the retirement of commodities;
the rebutment of a damaging information;
restitution and vindication;
the imposition of sanctions and the indemnity for losses;
a criminal prosecution.
We canensurethe protectionoftherightsandofthepropertyinterestsof the economic entitiestothemaximumeffect even in the most complicated situations thanks to the experience of human rights practices and to the multipronged professional approach.